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Create a listing*

What type of kid-friendly listing would you like to add?

Choose a Package

Event Listing 30 days

Pricing plan image


  • One standard event listing submission
  • The event listing will filter through the home page
  • Up to two categories
  • Up to three locations
  • Business logo and gallery images
  • Description and tagline
  • Website link
  • Social links
  • Available for reviews
  • 30 days expiration

Event Listing 60 days

Pricing plan image


  • One standard event listing submission
  • The event listing will filter through the home page
  • Up to two categories
  • Up to three locations
  • Business logo and gallery images
  • Description and tagline
  • Website link
  • Social links
  • Available for reviews
  • 60 days expiration

Event Listing 90 days

Pricing plan image


  • One standard event listing submission
  • The event listing will filter through the home page
  • Up to two categories
  • Up to three locations
  • Business logo and gallery images
  • Description and tagline
  • Website link
  • Social links
  • Available for reviews
  • 90 days expiration

*to create a listing you must register for a Business Account and be logged in. All listings will be reviewed by Kiddiehood before going live, this process could take up to 48 hours. View our listing guidelines.