Why Kiddiehood?
Setting up a Business Account on Kiddiehood is quick and easy.
Friendly interface
Business Accounts have an easy to navigate dashboard where you can access information on your published and pending listings, active promotions and statistics.
Listing statistics
Each listing will have up-to-date statistics including – views, unique views, devices used, top countries, top referrers, top platforms and top browsers used.
Free trial
We are offering businesses a free trial that is valid for 365 days. This special offer is available for one 'Place or Shop' listing per business.
Boost your visibility
Enhance your listing by boosting it to the top of the page with our upgrade options. Promotions can run for 14 days or 30 days.
Each listing in our directory has a review section. Customers who visit a place, event or shop have the option to leave a review. This is a great way to gather feedback and to attract potential customers.
Listing details
Listings present important information such as a detailed description of the business, service or event, operating hours, website link, address, hours of operation and social media links.